The Jack Mason Museum of West Marin History is dedicated to collecting and making historical information available about the people and places of West Marin including Point Reyes Station, Inverness, Marshall, Tomales Bay and Olema Valley through exhibits, publications, events, and research services.
See our latest Spring 2023 Under the Gables newsletter TREASURES FROM THE ATTIC
Featured Event
Treasures From the Attic
The Inverness Library will be open during the following hours:Monday 3-7 p.m. Tuesday 2-5 p.m. Wednesday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday 3-6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Exhibit runs through November 2024
Ways to Give

Memberships & Donations
Donating Your Artifacts
Our Research Collections
Explore descriptions of some of our major collections including manuscripts, maps, and historic photos by going here. Contact the museum at 415-669-1099 or email us at to make inquiries or an appointment to come into the archives.
Under the Gables Newsletter
Our newsletter comes out several times a year and features articles about the newest exhibit along with local history highlights and news about our activities. View our current newsletter and past issues. To join our mailing list and receive a free digital copy subscribe below.